Improve your financial confidence!

What’s 1 Money Step You Can Take Today?

by moneymind

Are you ready to boost your money confidence? All it takes is a series of small steps. Starting from where you currently are now.

If you’re ready to try a little change today, here’s a few options we can try!

– Choose most comfortable area and apply one positive action.
– Choose an area you avoid, and apply a very gentle easy action.
– Try any of our free samplers; they’re each only 10 mins.

To make this easier, we can check against MoneyMind’s 5 Pillars of Financial Stability.

1. Money mindsets
2. Savings
3. Budgeting
4. Investing
5. Budgeting

What’s one step you can take in your most / least comfortable pillar area?

Aim for a step next to where you are now realistically, (not distant or ideal.)
Examples :
Not budgeting at all –> just list todays expenses.
Saving but not investing –> read a calm slow investing blog.
Investing but not saving –> assess your 3-6mth emergency fund status.

For more insights and self-checks, try our free samplers!

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