Can you list your money self care habits? This exercise helps us become more aware of our current money self care habits if we already have them, and showcases whether this area could use strengthening!
Here’s the exercise to try for yourself!
Remember, we’re looking at tangible real life actions here – not ideals we’d like to do / apply one day or in future but haven’t actually done / are doing.
First let’s start with the easy stuff – your overall life self care habits. What do you do for self care in your everyday life? Even if you’re not doing those things daily, you’ll probably be able to list a few things that relax and recharge you. For example, having a bath, exercise, a lovely cup of tea, etc. What do you KNOW works for you? (I find the neuro-hack of smiling & cheerfully saying ‘good morning’ out loud helps me set my morning mood before rolling out of bed.)
Next, let’s list our money self care habits. Just like the first list, these will be self care in our everyday money lives. Even if we’re not doing them daily, we want to have self awareness of what our preferences are. Some examples; expense tracking, following IG money accounts for micro-learning, selective spending… what do you KNOW works for you? (I find I’m not naturally strong at expense tracking, so work hard to maintain regular daily expense tracking!)
Check that list! Does it come easily (you know your money self well) or is it slow / difficult to list? Whatever you find is ok! Gaining information on ourselves is key here; now we can move forward with what we know. Either we know our list and have a few areas to cleanup, or we don’t know our list and have the opportunity to decide what we’d like to try! (Ok some of us will be 100% on top of all this already, so congratulations to you!)
From there, we can decide how we want to proceed. Without judgement or negativity, focusing on actions that drive us forward positively.