Okay so I really thought by 30 I’d have life sorted out.
That life would all make sense; I’d know what I was doing.
Confident and sorted in all areas – work, money, relationships, myself.
Turning 30, I’d be a sleek bossbabe of unshakeable self worth.
By 28 I suddenly realised OMG, where am I headed?
While my work was excellent, my personal life was in shambles.
My financial basics were shaky at best, topical steroids the people I was around were not a fit for my authentic self, I felt disconnected and alone emotionally, and knew if I stayed on this path I’d just get more of the same!
I’d been so busy working to get ahead – to do my best and be good at my job.
And I didn’t really know how to look after my self care and wellness needs at all.
Turning 30 shone a spotlight on this mess.
When I look back, I was swimming solo without a great team. And didn’t even know how to find them.
It was time to start my personal development journey.
So I changed my life one choice at a time, faced my internal battles, did the hard work, let go / outgrew of a LOT of people, and got to know myself by trying healthy new things. It was fun, challenging, and totally worth it!
A big part of what I thought I’d have sorted is my finances.
It wasn’t until a few years later that I had the (stressful) opportunity to embark upon a startup adventure with my husband.
It made me realise the gaps in my financial knowledge.
And from there I created my 5-Pillars of Financial Stability.
For myself, my own use to clean up my financial foundations as simply as possible, and to apply in my family life moving forward.
It worked. Really well!
I realised it was a versatile plug-and-play framework that might work for others too.
And I’m happy to report, since turning 30 I’ve trekked that challenging hero’s journey of self discovery…
and got those bossbabe self worth results!
So here’s my framework for you to use!
Called MoneyMind- a financial literacy social enterprise, it shares this template I created for myself; as a non-finance/non-numbers person with dyscalculia.
So it’s all as simple, basic and applicable as possible!!
If you’re like me, and thought you’d have your finances figured out by 30 (but don’t) –
Do what your future self will thank you for :
1. Try the free samplers to check your current money foundations.
2. Then do the 5-Pillars – each pillar for one week for the best foundational awareness.
Or just the pillars you’re least comfortable in, to give you a leg up.
Trust me, if you take this action before turning 30 (or anytime actually!!) your future self will thank you. I promise.
Video summary of this topic live broadcast :
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