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Are your thoughts stressing you out? Here’s a fix.

by raventao

Are your thoughts supportive right now? Or causing stress?

Did you know you can change your thoughts anytime?
Simply by deciding to do so and applying some techniques.

This can take some time and practice to master.

Our brain will stick to the neural pathways that form the biggest path.
These are of the thoughts we think most!

For example, every time we worry about something we strengthen that worry pathway.

Do we want to be doing that?
Do we like the results it’s getting us?

We might want to seriously consider our answer. Why?

Because stress can cause us to make worse / more emotional decisions in all other areas of our life.

So for today, let’s look at how we can reduce stress with a quick fix.

In our live broadcast, we covered some techniques to try, and why they work for our brain.
Summary video below!

Here’s a quick instagram caption with text instructions, you can also follow us there

Try this quick fix discussed in the video :

1. Recognise your power to choose what thoughts to have in your brain.

2. Ask : Is this thought supporting me?

3. If NO, create a related supportive thought that you can believe.
(Eg. I feel stress about X —> I no longer choose to allow stressful thoughts about X.)

4. Link the supportive thought to the stressful thought; apply it INSTANTLY anytime the stressful thought pops up (to halt stressful thought spiralling into stress rabbit hole.)

*Note that the supportive thought needs to be BELIEVABLE to you.
It should feel very different to, and more rational than, the original stress thought

An additional step if we want :
5. Add a pleasant action goal you can achieve easily, to increase feeling of action focus.
This calms the brain, activates the ‘decision’ making part, and gives us something to work towards.
(Here’s a geeky scientific paper on why this works.)

Watch the video to dig a little deeper into how to change stress triggering thoughts in your brain. Help yourself make better decisions, and feel better.

To explore your money mindsets further, try any of our free samplers.

Or dive deeper with our Pillar 1. Money Mindsets

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