The money basics checklist I wish I’d had sooner! 💰 Free quizzes, mini courses and rapid results. 🚀
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It's easy to leave personal finances to later.
Use our quick 5-Pillar checklist today!
Have you avoided your financial stuff, thinking “I’ll sort it out later?”
Welcome to the club!
I felt so insecure in this area, thinking it was overwhelmingly complicated.
But after years of personal research and discovery,
I realised the basics were simple.
Simple enough for anyone to use this easy 5-Pillar checklist as framework.
So here it is! The 5-Pillar checklist I created and use for my own family.
The quick checklist, plus free quizzes to get to know yourself better,
and mini-courses if you’d like a gentle coaching vibe.
Simplified basics in short courses for rapid results.
To tidy your foundations, apply our 1-hour courses for a week each.
Or sequentially for 5-weeks!
Whatever your money history, you can start building your future stability now.
Create the life you desire for yourself, your family, your kids.
All it takes is updating some small habits.
Bite-sized actions for big results. You got this!
Simple framework
One hour a week
5 weeks to tidy your money life
Or less! Choose single pillars as you like.
Try our free samplers!
Check your financial foundation stability with these free 10-minute samplers of our 5-Pillar topics.
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Click below to purchase any of the 5 Pillars!
What are you waiting for?
Start today!
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Action & empowerment focused community conversation.
Our mission is to foster beginners money confidence and stability, so you can focus on thriving in your life.
The world needs more people shining their light. Feeling fulfilled and connected with community.
We're here to support that goal.
Boost Your Confidence
Feel empowered to take charge of your money, do much adulting with minimal effort, and eat chocolate to celebrate every small win.
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What Our Trialists Say
Janelle Codrington
Ines Laimins
Nick Barlow
K Hawkins
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